Unveiling the potential of AI for the manufacturing industry:
October 4th 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 CEST

This joint webinar is hosted by I4MS, ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs. Since 2013, the initiative has helped SMEs and mid-caps to improve their products, business processes, and business models via digital technologies. Within I4MS, AI REGIO and KITT4SME are the projects supporting SMEs by experimenting and testing Artificial Intelligence techniques in manufacturing.
During the webinar participants will be introduced with key concepts on the use of AI and get first-hand information about the opportunities and support offered by these two projects.
AI REGIO coordinator Sergio Gusmeroli (Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano) will give insights on the offer for SMEs and Digital Innovation Hubs within AI REGIO and one SME from the AI REGIO network will share its experience on how it has received support.
To those not familiar with the project: AI REGIO stands for “Regions and Digital Innovation Hubs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs” and will build a one-stop-shop platform that enables access to resources for AI-based solutions in efficient and sustainable manufacturing, with particular emphasis on resources that can lower the AI adoption barriers for SMEs.
14:00 | Welcome and Introduction | • Maria Roca, I4MS Project Manager, FBOX |
14:05 - 14:20 | Presentation of the offer for SMEs and DIHs within AI REGIO | • Sergio Gusmeroli, AI REGIO project Coordinator |
14:20 - 14:40 | Presentation of the offer for SMEs within KITT4SME & summary of the result on the use of AI for SMEs | • Andrea Bettoni, KITT4SME Project Coordinator |
14:40 - 15:10 | The experience of SMEs | • Maria Cristina (Italy), GHEPI; Edgar Rubion (Spain), Researcher of Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit in Eurecat
• AI-REGIO example
15:10 | End of the session | - |