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EDIH and their Interaction with AI Technologies


The EDIH European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) conference took place on 26-27 January 2021 in an innovative online format.


The session on “EDIH and AI” centered on concrete examples how EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hubs) can support the dissemination of AI technologies and how the EDIHs help structuring the AI landscape.


In order to boost the adoption and deployment of AI technologies, the European Commission aims on an ever-growing network of European and regional DIHs, which provides for testing and experimentation facilities, an AI-on-demand platform and creates major distribution channels for novel  AI technologies, which can be adopted by local companies and users.  In fact, EDIHs shall create cross-sector and cross-technology exchange of experiences.


Amongst other speakers from the European Commission, the Government of Luxembourg and academia, which pointed out the important role of EDIHs as regards digital transformation and AI adoption in particular; Sergio Gusmeroli, (AI REGIO Coordinator and Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano), presented the activities of DIH4AI project, which has started on January 2021.


Its goals are similar to those of AI REGIO in that the project builds a network of AI-on-demand innovation and collaboration platforms, supporting joint development and provision of ecosystem-business-technology-transformation services through a sustainable network of regional DIHs specialized in AI and targeting local SMEs and local governmental agencies. Collaboration and exchange between different Innovation Hubs is key to reach these goals as well as well as creating bidirectional corridors - between regions, between regions and EU level, which can eventually develop into prosperous marketplaces.


The overall methodology builds on three consecutive activities:


  • introducing common methods and tools  to ease collaboration between DIHs, 

  • giving structure for collaboration by developing business, technical, and legal agreements and collaboration models for cross-border collaboration, and

  • creating a shared innovation and collaboration ICT Platform for knowledge sharing under Data protection and Data Sovereignty principles.


The Q&A session covered the discussions on automation, protection of the user, accountability, barriers for the adoption of AI in the industry and role of EDIHs in disseminating the AI technologies toward the EU economy and society.


Rewatch this session here.


AI REGIO is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement n° 952003.

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